I know through research and from experience that FLOWER HORNS are solitary animals, though it doesn't mean that they are anti-social. I have seen quite a few Flower horns swimming together with other big fishes like Arowana's, red Oscars and sometimes other flower horns and they get along pretty well with each other.
Anyway, my tanks is big but with Sid swimming all over, I am slowly resigning to buying a larger one, perhaps fifty to a hundred gallons or so.
Putting him on a bigger tank would mean that I wouldn't have to worry about Sid's poop. As Sid grows on a daily bases, so does his fervor for eating which also translates to a lot of poop. Sid's tank right now requires a little bit of attention as compared to having swords tails and goldfishes. I have to make sure that the water in his tank is filtered every night with activated carbon to prevent the water from keeping high levels of nitrate and ammonia which is bad for Sid.
Even if I have a good filtering system, still I would have to scrape out Sid's poop manually. The poop he produces is big for the filer's pump to suck out as it sinks down to the bottom of the tank.
I have some snap shots of Sid, these were all taken before I left for my Christmas vacation to Manila. I only have a point and shoot so I invested much on finding the right angles and lighting to come up with the effects I needed.
I still feed Sid with Ocean Free Ever Red. I tried varying his diet but the problem with live or fresh food is that it gives Sid a hard time pooping. What usually takes a minute when he poops after feeding him fresh or live food would only take seconds when he is on an Ever Red diet. I would suggest that before even feeding your flower horn try to check the contents and see if it is all packed with the necessary nutrients for the fish' growth so that you wouldn't have to go through the hassles of checking whether the live food your giving is good for them.
Flower horns in general are hardy types of fish. They thrive well on perhaps any conditions but however careful watch of the waters Ph levels is a must do. They eat almost anything but again caution must be observed. I have seen people feeding their flower horns with house lizards and even cockroaches, but i guess that's gory and gross for me to do. Just don't over feed and don't starve your Flower horns after all a happy and healthy flower horn is a good view to watch...
5 years ago